Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Why Should PETA Neuter you?

I understand some of PETA's beliefs and desire to promote better care for animals.  I get that.  Who wouldn't?  Some of their bizarre antics (and even more-so the issue of where all their donations and funding goes) rub me the wrong way.  It's the whole animal rights vs animal welfare arguement (of which I could spend hours of my time arguing where I stand with my beliefs.... but I won't... at least not today)...

Their radical movements and beliefs are huge points of discussion-- from Breast Milk Ice Cream to their Sex with Vegetables Superbowl Commercials (couldn't find Youtube video, sorry!) to Ingrid Newkirk's will... now, a contest that takes balls... Literally!  Win a Vasectomy from PETA

Any takers?

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