Monday, August 1, 2016

Free Wool

So, my maiden name tends to get me in some trouble (which borders on insanity or hoarding.... Not quite sure which one at times). This year has been particularly bad.

Before crops got in the ground, my uncle asked me if we would like some more trees from a fence row for lumber. 74 trees later... I'm waiting for a guy with a sawmill to get us boards.

A week ago, my father tipped me off that my uncle (same uncle) had "some" yarn for me. Great I thought. Love it when someone thinks of me for a project or resource.

I instantly got excited and visions of socks, scarves, and other knitted goods floated through my mind.

Yeah. Some yarn. Define "some." It's more than "a few" trees.

It's a truckload. A full sized truck bed full (heaping) of garbage bags of fiber.

I'm still optimistic about this project. If I manage to get through the next few months of skirting and processing without a divorce... I'll be a lucky woman.

Oh yeah... And what do I have to process it? Hand carders.... Period. I feel that a drum carder will be the next purchase I make.... Seems like a good investment.