Our garden will be expanded this year-- almost doubled from last year. Quite excited. Nothing like fresh vegetables. I love gardening. I really do. This year we started early with seeds-- bought them a few weeks ago, planted and have been waiting patiently for our plants to sprout.
When originally discussing what we'd plant, tomatoes, lettuce, green beans and peas topped the list. The girls wanted us to grow broccoli and cauliflower (something I've never tried growing-- there's a first time for everything, right???) as well as spinach. We've got some squash and cucumbers planted also.
Goals for the garden: salsa! We plow through nearly a jar a week (sometimes more) and have decimated the stash of salsa we've canned from last year. I also hope to do some pickling again this year. Really enjoyed it the last time I did (and apparently my pickles turned out well). If we have excess of other vegetables, we might can or freeze them, too.
Some more peas (I love the way they look when they sprout-- call me weird... while taking these pictures I had flashbacks of the plant biology class I took... Hooray for dicotyledons!)
The girls wanted to grow Sunflowers... here's hoping the squirrels will leave them alone!
I love this time of year, and growing all the vegetables.
And love to grow sweet peas and sunflowers, for something pretty.
We're starting on our garden this year :) I'm looking forward to having my own flower patch to look after, although knowing my track record with living things it probably won't go that well!
But I do agree, Peas look great when they are sprouting.
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