Stuffed hedgehog #3 came home and upon introduction received a face-lift (kid you not, Junior had the little bugger fo 5 minutes and managed to rip its nose off). Stuffed animals don't need noses anyway, right?
And, the highlight of yesterday, we got the rabbits! They're both about 1 year old jersey wooly rabbits. I'm definitely in love with these two. Since they're wooler rabbits, we figured what better names than Knit (the sable buck) and Purl (the pointed white doe).

Knit (above) and Purl (below)

From previous experiences with rabbits, these guys are extremely easy to work with. I remember the two we had when growing up-- Oreo and "Bunnicula" (for the life of me, I can't remember the actual name of the second rabbit-- only that we called it "Bunnicula"). They weren't friendly and because of that, I never really had positive rabbit experiences (c'mon, when you have to put work gloves on to even attempt to handle them, as a kid, it isn't fun). Here's hoping that Knit and Purl will lead to a 'hoppier' experience.
OMG! Bunnicula! I loved those books when I was a kid - Bunnicula, Howliday Inn, The Celery Stalks at Midnight...
Better not to mention bunnies and Easter in the same sentence! So many people buy bunnies at Easter for their kids and then dump them. So many that there's a campaign called "Make Mine Chocolate" ( to discourage rabbits as gifts. Getting a rabbit should be a commitment for its life. Learn more about rabbits at the House Rabbit Society website ( if you've not found it already.
Thank you for that. Getting the rabbits and Easter happening close to one another was coincidence. These lil guys should have a great and long life and will have excellent medical care (if the next four years go well :) )
I know all too well how different holidays or movies spark a surge in pet sales and the subsequent rehoming/dumping-- definitely not my intent by any means and I do not mean to support anything of that sort. Sorry if it came off that way.
I've found the House Rabbit Society-- thanks!
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