Thursday, March 17, 2011

I Did It!

YARN!  First yarn spun on the spinning wheel (the wheel makes me smile... lots of alterations from its original with a bungee strap scotch brake... kind of like 1800's meets MacGyver....)-- it's a bit of alpaca that I had received from the incredibly creative woman that taught me to use a drop spindle.  I had thanked her for the alpaca fiber and told her she really didn't need to-- to which she replied that what she was doing is similar to what a crack dealer does.... start you off with enough to get you hooked.... 

Seems like it's worked... I now am on the "oooh... can I spin that?" kick.  Prime example: we watched Amazing Race the other night.... I was told that we couldn't have a yak within city limits.  Someday I tell you... someday... 


Diamond B said...

Whoopee! You are now on the slippery slope of fiber addiction! Your yarn looks beautiful, too!


Samantha said...

Thanks. I'm excited to start spinning what I get from the bunnies soon-- too bad there's this thing called 'work' that eats up a lot of my time for spinning.....

Bachar Farms said...

Samantha! Love your first yarn! It does feel good! It is like crack!!! Enjoy it! Love the blog, made me chuckle!