Friday, July 1, 2011

Maggie Moo-- Round Two

Maggie had surgery #2 on the 20th of June.  Surgery day was chaotic at the clinic (or so I've heard-- I wasn't able to be there... kind of mad about that, but it's okay).  The vet had a splenectomy that took three hours longer than anticipated... (I guess the spleen weighed 9 lbs!).  Maggie got her turn around 4 pm and as soon as she woke up, she was transported home.

The vet explained to me that she did the same surgery for this leg as she did for the other leg.  Luxating patella and cruciate ligament issues fixed!-- the only difference was that her right leg cruciate ligament was just torn a little and the left leg (this surgery)'s was completely torn.

She was miserable for the first night-- moreso than from the last surgery.  There are no staples or stitches that need to come out.  Overall, her leg looked more bruised than from last time. 

I'm glad it's done and my little tripod is hobbling around.  We're almost to the point where she can lose the cone of shame.  :)  

Hopefully this concludes Maggie's medical issues for a while....

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