Dr. G had a veterinary student with her that day-- just starting in with a surgical rotation. I couldn't help but keep reminding myself "that's going to be me in a few years!!!"
Mondays are specialty surgery days for RASCAL. Got to witness a few interesting cases-- removal of two mammary masses on a cat, another mass removal on a cat (the mass removed was about the size of my fist-- a growth right above the cat's tail....), a bad case of gingival hyperplasia on a boxer, an Australian greyhound that needed a punch biopsy on its nose for a bad skin condition (owner thought it was sunburn from over a year ago-- more than likely some kind of auto-immune issue), and my problem child, Maggie. There were a few spay/neuters that came in also. (Have learned that, no matter how confident I am in my abilities, feral cats scare me.)
There was a rescued cat that was to have a Femoral Head Osteotomy (FHO) but had a pretty bad respiratory infection (cat came in with goopy eyes... by the end of the day it looked like its eyes would be matted shut in a few hours) No surgery for that little kitty.
(okay- in just writing this out, I'm super impressed with myself... that I remembered each case and a lot of what Dr. G and the staff had told me about each case... :) )
So here's my photo journal of surgery. Tried not to be obnoxious with photos--although Dr. G understood my fascination/excitement and at times would pause and ask if I'd like a picture of this or that.... she also informed me that, in the event that I started bawling, I would be escorted out of surgery. I was too excited to be upset....
Waiting for her turn...
Breathe deep, Maggie!
Before the first cut.
Gettin down to her bones. Dr. G carved out the groove in her patella and showed me her cruciate ligament. Didn't get pictures of her ligament... but here's Dr. G drilling to put in suture to complete the lateral suture stabilization.
Tightening the suture
Surgery's done
The Cone of Shame....
Doggie Depression
Now we get to spend the next few months working on puppy rehab. She's doing fairly well (3 days out now). The bandage has come off, she's loving her pain meds but isn't eating a ton. Though I know nothing about my dog is 'normal,' hopefully she'll be back to her 'normal' self soon....
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