Starting this blog off with a few new adventures...
Adventure #1:
Recently I acquired a spinning wheel off of Craigslist. The wheel has a bit of history with it-- the former mayor of St. Henry, Ohio hand-crafted the wheel. With trying to get it up and running, we're trying to maintain its integrity.

1) The wheel doesn't spin when the treadle is pressed. Simple fix
2) There is no orifice (Quite amusing when your partner in crime with spinning-- who has years of experience-- looks at your wheel then looks at you and blurts out "oh no! you don't have an orifice!".... made me chuckle).
My SO is in the process of replacing the dowel that the flyer and bobbin are on to allow for an orifice. Seems like an easy fix. Who knows... perhaps the type of wheel doesn't have an orifice.... I have no idea. Until I get the wheel spinning, I can't figure out how to get it to work.
That being said, I've been given a little guidance and instruction on using a drop spindle. Think I'm getting the hang of it. I just need more to work with :)

I am anxious to continue on with this learning experience...
Adventure #2:
Vet school (whoo hoo!!!) Yes, that's right. I will be starting in on the torture... err... I mean academic challenge that is veterinary college. :) Excited yet terrified. The process to get here has been extremely challenging but I know the career will be rewarding.
Adventure #3:
The crazy ups and downs of pet ownership. Funny stories, heart warming stories, horror stories.... aka every day life. Current household companions-- two dogs (a 3 year old boxer/lab mix and a 1 year old bassett hound), a cat (black and white DSH), a hedgehog (yes... a hedgehog. Adorable, pokey little ball of huffles) and soon some jersey wooly rabbits (to feed the needs of adventure #1). The occasional pet-sitting occurs and also fostering dogs is a passion of mine-- never a dull moment!